Update – Raspberry Pi encoding

It’s time for an update for my raspberry pi encoding script.

You will need split.lua, xpath.lua, mediainfo.lua and gstrecode.dbl.lua.

You will change the directory in the third line of gstrecode.dbl.lua and the first line of mediainfo.lua to the directory you put the scripts in.

gstrecode.dbl.lua Parameters are:

gstrecode.dbl.lua inputfile.[ts|mpg|mkv] outputfile.mkv <bitrate in kBytes] [1,2,…]

A value of 1 as the last parameter will yield a result with the same dimensions of the input file, a value of 2 will reduce every dimension of two (and calculate a new bitrate divided by 2*2 => i.e., third parameter is 3200, the resulting bitrate will be 800).

Since it is hard to compile gst correctly, I have put gstreamer and liborc on this server for download. Just do „sudo tar xJvf <filename>“ in / (it will be unpacked to /usr/local/).

These lua packages should be installed (with apt-get):

liblua5.1-0:armhf liblua5.1-0-dev:armhf lua-expat:armhf lua-expat-dev:armhf lua5.1