Why Big Data Isn’t Necessarily Better Data
They note that “greater value can be obtained by combining GFT with other near–real-time health data.” For example, “by combining GFT and lagged CDC data, as we...
They note that “greater value can be obtained by combining GFT with other near–real-time health data.” For example, “by combining GFT and lagged CDC data, as we...
Starting today, this site is „powered by raspberry pi“!
My blog is moving around. It was a bit to oversized being on a virtual server at netclusive (great service). Right now, it’s at home on an old Eee PC but ...
Ich habe mal ein Script geschrieben, dass die von mir verwendeten externen IPs in einer Datenbank ablegt. Ich will ja nicht, dass mein Datenverkehr mit dem von ...
Dear Screen Writers Guild of America: Every time you write a script with the story of a clone having distant memory flashbacks, two things happen: a) a sad Xero...
I’ve got a new project – this time without programming! In 2014, I will try to become my own farmer! Or, to be more precise, my brother, my parents ...
A considerable time passed by last week trying to install IBM Cognos Express. I didn’t read the requirements beforehand. I couldn’t have anyways, ju...
Da kann man sich doch einmal freuen: Viele Mitbürger haben sich die „eID“-Funktion des nPA gespart. Sicher kann man sich sinnvolle Dienste und Anwen...
I finally had the time to work on my hardware assisted h264 encoding appliance. Followers of my blog (are there any) know that I got a Leopard Board DM368 (LI-T...
Ich sollte am Wochenende mal zwei Abhandlungen schreiben über: Warum die Korrelationsfans jetzt alle rufen „die Ausländer sind schuld!“ Sekundärquel...