VDR – zero byte recordings

It took me a while, but I finally found out, why my vdr wasn’t recording some channels. At first, I thought I had USB timing issues. Or buffers too small. Or a kernel that’s not a good fit for my Eee 701. Turned out I was looking in the complete wrong spot to solve my problem.

I created the famous „channels.conf“ using the scan program from the ubuntu dvb-apps package (scan -o vdr). The program outputs the frequencies in kHz, where vdr expects Hz.

For instance:
Bayerisches FS;ARD:738000:C12D12M64B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:4929:4930=deu:4932:0:34:8468:3841:0

where VDR needs:
Bayerisches FS;ARD:738000000:C12D12M64B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:4929:4930=deu:4932:0:34:8468:3841:0

VDR is still able to tune in and stream via network (streamdev), so you can’t find the cause easily. It restarts constantly when trying to record though, creating 0 byte files.

Solution: login via SVDRP („netcat localhost 2001“) and type „LSTC“. VDR outputs your actual channel information. Copy the output into an editor of your choice and delete the wrong lines, save it as „channels.conf“ in your vdr configuration directory.

Tadaa… recording should work now.

keywords: 0 Byte, Recording, Aufnahme, „ERROR: video data stream broken“, vdr, restart